Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Fixes

Seems like everybody but me has managed a fix this month. I shouldn't really complain though, as I'll be south of the border chasing a triple-digit fix of my own before the week is out...

Joe Doug was at it again last week, harassing spring creek specimens on a few PA limestoners over the holiday weekend. I've reproduced his report below for your viewing pleasure...

"Fortunately signs of spring are slowly making themselves known. The sun is out and the harsh bite of winter seems to be waning ever so slightly (Or this could be delusionary wishful thinking at its finest). The same could not be said a week or two ago when the winter doldrums were becoming truly unbearable.

Presidents’ Day offered a needed reprieve from the office and some extra travel time in the pursuit of trout. The destination was south central PA, due to the number of spring creeks that the region offers. I was able to drag my father along and we hit Big Springs, Falling Springs, and the Letort. The fishing wasn’t epic by any means, but we kept the skunk off and tightened up everyday. I had never fished the region so I didn’t really know exactly what to expect. Watercress was everywhere, the water was gin clear and trout seemed to see my lanky
ass from miles away.

At Big Springs on day 1, I was walking downstream haphazardly flipping a streamer, wondering how we were going to catch fish when a 15 inch brookie nearly came out of the water trying to eat my fly. He was only 6ft from my rod tip and surprised the hell out of me. I thought I lost my shot, but lobbed the streamer back in his wheelhouse to see if he would reengage. He came out from his rock with vengeance and crushed the fly. It was one of the coolest eats I’ve had in a while and will certainly be a memorable fish.

From there we went down to Chambersburg and nymphed up some bows on Falling Springs on Sunday. Monday, we spent the majority of the day weed whacking and getting stuck in the silty Letort streambed. Fortunately, right before we had to pull chocks for home, some BWOs started hatching and we managed to fool a small brown in the bottom of
the 9th.

I got to spend some quality time with my pops and although we didn’t catch any of the absolute pigs that we saw, I did add another stop on my summer mousing tour . . ."

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